Posted on 19th March 2021 at 08:56
Alpines are a great way to brighten up your garden. One of the advantages of these small growing plants is that there is room for them in any garden.

There is a vast range of beautiful and easy care alpine plants suitable for the rock garden, with a variety of foliage and flowers. For many the basic requirements are a free-draining soil, a sunny position and an adequate supply of water. Here is small selection of alpines we have ready now.

Arenaria montana produces a profusion of glistening white flowers on cascades of evergreen foliage. This plant will tolerate shade.
Lithodora diffusa Grace Ward is a striking, mat forming evergreen that has intense blue flowers in spring and summer. It requires a well drained, acidic soil in a sunny position.

Lewisia Cotyledon is a stunning plant which flowers from late spring to early summer. Plant at an angle so that water can drain out of it's rosette of fleshy evergreen foliage; the crevice of a wall is ideal.

Armeria maritima produces a compact cushion of evergreen, grass like foliage with pretty pink flowers in late spring and summer; regular dead heading will prolong the flowering period. This plant is particularly effective between slabs of paving but any well drained sunny spot is suitable.

Phlox subulata is one of the most colourful ground cover plants available, it flowers profusely in late spring with masses of delicate pink, magenta, purple-blue or white flowers which completely cover the foliage.
Aubretia deltoidea gives a long and bold display of vivid colour, It requires an open sunny position and is ideal for growing in a wall or traditional rock garden where it can be given the space to spread.

Polygala chamaebuxus var grandiflora is a compact, mound forming evergreen shrub with striking flowers in late spring to early summer. It thrives in sun or partial shade and is an ideal shrub for the rock garden. This plant has recieved the Royal Horticultural Society Award of Garden Merit.

Saxifraga x arendsii form a low cushion of bright green leaves and flower in spring. Various shades of pink, red and white are available. These plants perform well in a sunny spot with good drainaige, they are also ideal planted in a trough or sink..
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