Perfect Perennials for Spring.
Posted on 5th April 2022 at 11:26

Pulmonaria officinalis, commonly known as Lungwort, it is a low growing plant that provides useful ground cover in shady sites, although it does tolerate sun. It is a double value plant as it has appealing foliage as well as attractive spring flowers. The flowers change from pink to blue as they age and then as the flowers die down the foliage thickens and spreads out. Different varieties are available with blue, white or red flowers and foliage varies from spotted to marbled.

Pulsatilla vulgaris, commonly known as Pasque flower and is an attractive addition to the front of the border or rock garden. It requires well drained soil in full sun and has lovely silky flowers followed by charming seed heads. This is a low growing, clump forming perennial that deserves a prominent location in the garden.

Bergenia cordifolia, commonly known as Elephant Ears, is an excellent ground cover. This easy going plant isn't fussy regarding conditions and situation, although it is best to avoid a sunny, dry position. The leathery, slightly glossy leaves are evergreen and the spring flowers vary from white, pale pink through to deep red depending on the variety. Bergenia Eden's Dark Margin is a choice form which has a pencil- line red edge to leaves which turn deep maroon in winter. It has short stems of magenta flowers in mid spring. The only maintenance required is removing any tatty leaves after winter .

Euphorbia Silver Edge is a stunning architectural addition to the garden with all year round foliage and yellow-cream flowers in spring which last until early summer.
Ideal for a hot sunny position in the border with well drained soil or in a pot on a sunny patio. Height and spread 60cm.
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